The “Resources” section serves as a comprehensive hub for educational and practical materials designed to support educators, students, and enthusiasts in their journey through robotics, programming, and 3D design.
The current ICE Robotics project builds on the success of its predecessor, the RoboCoop project, which laid the foundation for enhancing STEM education through robotics and international collaboration.
RoboCoop made a significant impact by organizing 92 workshops in Vienna and Bratislava, engaging 1,807 pupils in hands-on activities focused on robotics, programming, and innovative technologies. These workshops fostered creativity, teamwork, and cross-border collaboration among students.
Many of the ideas and methodologies developed during RoboCoop have been further refined and integrated into ICE Robotics, ensuring continuity and building on its achievements.
For more information about the RoboCoop project and its outcomes, visit the official RoboCoop website or click on the information brochure.
Discover how these initiatives continue to transform education through technology and collaboration.